
Breaking the old traditional way of learning can be very challenging. We were programmed to learn in a way that might not fit every student. It’s very beautiful to know that a new way of learning is being accepted and innovated. We need more creativity in how we learn and express the way we learn. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) gives a foundation for the educator and for the student these are standards that both parties have corresponding principals.

These standards are

  1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity

This first principal takes in account the diversity of the student who is learning. The creativity comes in when a lesson is learned and the students are able to reflect using collaborative tools to help him or her understand what was taught to them.

  • Ex. Your lesson today is of atoms and how a different element would change the properties of an atom. This can be supported by a YouTube video and reference how oxygen and hydrogen behave different.
  1. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments

The educator is required to become technology savvy with the new technology a student can use and benefit. This is customized to the student’s individual way of learning and how his or her peers learn as well.

  • Ex. A student starts compering how a gas and a metal can be different , the student starts explaining how a gas would be lighter because it rises up in the air and a metal would be heavier because it sits on the counter. There is an analogy this student can I identify with.
  1. Model digital age work and learning

This standard gives the student a taste of how it would be to communicate with another person who is working with the same goal in mind.

  • Ex. The student who understands the concept is now able to get a video he or she can make with the group and explain it to the classroom.
  1. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility

As the educator it is important to teach compassion towards cultural and learning diversities. This also gives the student the knowledge of what and how something should be brought up and be given credit to.

  • Ex. keeping in mind other students may come from different environment this group decides to use element that are very common on earth.
  1. Engage in professional growth and leadership

Developing in a professional way that implements digital tools and skills are all brought together. Allowing the student to express these skills as an individual and in to the community.

  • Ex. The group is able to have great knowledge and confidence in what they are showing the rest of the class and shows its collaborative video.


Teachers > Computers


Can you replace a warm pad on the back and a sweet “great job” that follows it? How about if it comes from a person a child looks up to? I don’t think a computer would be able to replace a human being. In David Thornburg quote “Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer, deserves to be.” I don’t think he meant replacing a teacher completely but in a companionship to teach a better method of learning. Incorporating technology can be scary for many, even I feel intimidated, but who is not using a computer, phone, tablet and etc. A teacher who might feel threaten by a computer and fails to step out of their comfort zone and learn it to better him or herself as a professional individual should be. I do agree with this statement because in this modern working world who doesn’t use a technology to complete a job or write a paper.

Encouragement can be given by a teacher followed with their wisdom and guidance on how to approach a problem. The grandmother method is a perfect example, once a student has a “cheerleader” the student feels the need to develop that relationship and make the cheerleader proud. This is an emotion a computer may not be able do.

Take risk and learn what makes you uncomfortable. Technology can be the gateway to the future of these little ones. The message that Mitra’s Hole in the wall experiment gave me is to don’t be threaten by things you don’t know. Learn them and then teach them, with encouragement and excitement. Be passionate in what you are teaching, and then you can capture the respect and attention from anyone.

Goals, Goals, Goals

I am foreseeing a new view of teaching. Technology has advanced in so many ways since my young days. I was recently introduced to Google docs, it amazed me!! Its so cool and I couldn’t help to ask my self “Why didn’t I have this tool?” I can only imagine what else there is out there. Incorporating these tools it the classroom setting will be a great skill that students can have for school, group projects, and work. I want to be taken out of my comfort zone and get introduced to new ideas that are in place today. Being put in a place of unfamiliarity is going to make me feel how the students I will be teaching and make me a better role model for them.Penguins

About ME

My name is Jennifer Robledo. This is my first year here at the University of La Verne. I am looking forward to completing my undergrad. I am a extremely passionate person. I enjoy eating, sleeping, watching documentaries traveling and working out.

Some of my favorite….

Food: I enjoy trying new food.

Sleeping: I love naps, don’t know if I can survive a week with out at lease one.

Documentaries: Any kind, animals, psychology, criminal investigations.

Travel: I had my first solo trip to Bali this year. Next location looks like its going to be Argentina.

Workout is Brazilian Jui Jitsu, and taking a walk thru nature.

Looking forward to see whats new in the field of teaching regarding technology.

Why I want to teach… I love the feeling of having to teach a new concept to someone and when their little light bulb lights up you get can see and feel that sparkle in their eye. I strive for that. I also look back and can reflect on the most influential people for me growing up were my teachers, I want to become that for many little ones. I want to be able to be able to be the person a person didn’t give up.

My educational goals are to get my Bachelors in Liberal Studies from the University of La Verne. Then continue to get my masters. I choose the University of La Verne because I have a few friends who are teachers and mentioned to me how highly the University of La Verne is viewed. The material that is taugh is very distinguished from other universities.