Digital Citizenship


When surfing or posting something online we allow the rest of the world inside our life. This is hard to understand by the individual, community, state, country and world. Of course we see all these headlines in the news that this person got identity theft and on this or this business hacked. We sometimes come to think that this can never happen to us.

What are your personal boundaries?

How would you explain them to another adult? How about a child?


I believe that it starts by noticing what you put out there. This can be on all layers, individually, thru the community, and etc. how you can fix something if you don’t know it’s a problem. Then there needs to be some type of responsibility, ultimately this is your decision what you put out there and what you don’t. In the article “how to hackle digital citizenship during the first 5 days of school” by Holly Clark it incorporates the nine themes of digital citizenship. Teaching about REPs (Respect, Educate, and Protect). We have known for many years now that educating our future generations is the best way for a long result, they love to talk about what they learned to their friends, family, teammates and etc.

The good, bad and the ugly. The internet has given us, humans the ability to have all types of information at the tip of our hands. We can find everything and anything on the internet now and having the option of not using it is close to impossible in the 21st century. The internet was develop on a system that inter connected us using a net analogy. Every string of information is going to effect the rest of the net. Now how do we separate this concept and divide the territory of being interconnected? This is a question that may result in a bigger issue. There needs to be a balance between the global nature of the web and digital citizenship. Becoming aware of this problem is the first step now we should own up and take the responsibility having so much information at the tip of fingers. If we become aware of what we want out to the rest of the world for us individually. The understanding of what others have out there should align and balance by itself.

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