Crystal Ball

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Popplet is a website that has been in use since 2010. This educational tool is also used by large companies to visualize, brainstorm and map ideas. Popplet is a simple tool to use, making it available to any grade level. Brainstorming is a very important step, this allows the student to process all the information they know and still need to start no the big project. As a teacher this can be monitored with Popplet. Popplet has educator plans that are priced per student by year. The teacher can give a code that every student can use to access this website and even collaborate with other students for a group activity. Please check the video bellow to see this in action.

This tool has great features and the ability to navigate thru the site is very easy, that being said this tool has also great potential to expand. Expanding this tool with more designs, backgrounds and pre-layouts can help get the creator inspired to start their new Poppet. Besides the lack of inspirational resource this tool lacks of it has more of an individualize form and can mold to any project. This tool does come with a price per student and its by year, meaning there are brackets that go by the amount of students that would subscribe and use Popplet and these brackets go by school year. Please refer to the pricing bellow provided by

popplet pricing

This tool could be used in the future, its Eco-friendly and easy to reuse. It also assist to the visual students that need to see the whole picture. The ability to use this in a group meeting is very helpful if students cannot meet and need an outline or to brainstorm, the boxes added are programed to have the users name in order to show the teacher who made that point or reference.

In conclusion this is a great tool anyone can use to map a bigger project. Student have the ability to have a taste of using technology, sharing it with their group, teacher, add pictures, videos and more.

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