Social Media

social media

by Yoel Ben-Avraham Flicker

Kids are using social media to communicate and get informed. Not only are they using social media to express and educate themselves they are doing it in a way they enjoy. As a future teacher my goal is to have a student be able to learn in an enjoyable way, so why not incorporate social media in the way we teach. Allowing a student to use a tool such as twitter or Facebook, a familiar networking site, to translate what they feel about a new subject or as a form of education. Social media has impacted the way we educate students in todays age. It’s not as acceptable to parents and other adults due to the risk  that comes with it, we teach parents to beware of all the bad things that are out their, but have we informed them about the potential this tool can give a child. Using moderation is key, for example this is a perfect example of a balanced technology tool for kids. Educating our new generation for the real working world is our goal as a teacher and using technology should be on the top of the list in order to get our kids ready. Social media seems like it has a faster update than the news now a days and it also allows the audience to voice out their opinions. This is what makes an innovated person who is not afraid to voice out new ideas and throw out pitches. Social media is very important in todays world, allowing it in our educational lectures should be beneficial.

by Spencer E Holtaway Flicker

2 thoughts on “Social Media

  1. I like that you talked about balance because I think that is something I forgot about. I agree that we should not rely on technology but balance it as a useful tool. You are right, that we can be the way student and teachers can see more of the positives that technology and social media have to offer.


  2. Great point saying that we should not just rely on social media as a tool 100% of the time it should be 50/50 I completely agree with that and feel as if all of us use social media as a tool all the time and are constantly on it.


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