WOW! I think I made it…


by Sean MacEntee

Yay my final blog!!! I am walking out with new knowledge that i didn’t have before. I have more of a better foundation regarding technology and the ability to apply it in a classroom setting. My confidence with using technology tools that ease the load of grading, teaching, projects and support from other educators has grown. This course was intimidating at the beginning, Snag it was a hard task to swallow. As the semester proceeded the task became pleasurable, which gives me a measurement of growth.



This course has not only given me tools to become a better teacher, the introduction to ePortfolio is a tool that I can build to be prepared before I go in to apply. This tool gives a greater advantage to be an employable professional. My favorite tool that was introduced to me in this course is Google docs, it was amazing to see how my group and i can collaborate to create one document together. It was able to save and be achieved by the people we decided to share it with. The meeting with my book club were great, we were able to share and discuss concerns, and ideas that involved technology in the class room and teaching in general. i am very happy with my growth and the knowledge received. Thank you for a great semester.

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