Goals, Goals, Goals

I am foreseeing a new view of teaching. Technology has advanced in so many ways since my young days. I was recently introduced to Google docs, it amazed me!! Its so cool and I couldn’t help to ask my self “Why didn’t I have this tool?” I can only imagine what else there is out there. Incorporating these tools it the classroom setting will be a great skill that students can have for school, group projects, and work. I want to be taken out of my comfort zone and get introduced to new ideas that are in place today. Being put in a place of unfamiliarity is going to make me feel how the students I will be teaching and make me a better role model for them.Penguins

About ME

My name is Jennifer Robledo. This is my first year here at the University of La Verne. I am looking forward to completing my undergrad. I am a extremely passionate person. I enjoy eating, sleeping, watching documentaries traveling and working out.

Some of my favorite….

Food: I enjoy trying new food.

Sleeping: I love naps, don’t know if I can survive a week with out at lease one.

Documentaries: Any kind, animals, psychology, criminal investigations.

Travel: I had my first solo trip to Bali this year. Next location looks like its going to be Argentina.

Workout is Brazilian Jui Jitsu, and taking a walk thru nature.

Looking forward to see whats new in the field of teaching regarding technology.

Why I want to teach… I love the feeling of having to teach a new concept to someone and when their little light bulb lights up you get can see and feel that sparkle in their eye. I strive for that. I also look back and can reflect on the most influential people for me growing up were my teachers, I want to become that for many little ones. I want to be able to be able to be the person a person didn’t give up.

My educational goals are to get my Bachelors in Liberal Studies from the University of La Verne. Then continue to get my masters. I choose the University of La Verne because I have a few friends who are teachers and mentioned to me how highly the University of La Verne is viewed. The material that is taugh is very distinguished from other universities.